The most amazing retro template for your next project

Create your website with this awesome template and stand out from the crowd.

Check what is included
Pixel art hero image

Leverage your projects with Astro

This template allows you to quickly create a new project with Astro and adapt it to your needs.

Create infinite possibilities with a flag system

What are you waiting for?

Show some clear and concise information about your project with this ContentMedia section. If you want to make it more visual, you can expand it easily to include more images or videos.

Create infinite possibilities with a flag system


Astro framework

Use this modern framework for your whole template.

View Transitions

Change smoothly between the pages with the modern View Transitions API

Dark/Light Mode

Handle easily the dark and light mode with the Astro framework.

Tailwind friends

Tailwind CSS is included in the project. Also nes.css is included for the retro style.

Retro fonts

The font "Press Start 2P" is included in the project for the retro style.

TypeScript Support

The project is built with TypeScript, making it easier to maintain and scale.

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